EmP Adopt-a-Park 是一个长期志愿者项目。我们从2014年开始在Juanita Woodlands Park工作,一直持续到2023年底。我们清除了公园内的入侵物种,并种植了本土树木。目前,我们仍然不定期地组织参与King County Parks其它公园的劳动。如有问题或者建议,可以联系我们的青年义工Sophie ([email protected]) 。
EmP Adopt-a-Park is a long-term volunteer project. We began working at Juanita Woodlands Park in 2014, and our efforts have continued until the end of 2023. We cleared invasive species within the park and planted native trees. Currently, we still periodically organize labor for other King County parks. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to email our youth volunteer Sophie ([email protected]).
EmP Adopt-a-Park is a long-term volunteer project. We began working at Juanita Woodlands Park in 2014, and our efforts have continued until the end of 2023. We cleared invasive species within the park and planted native trees. Currently, we still periodically organize labor for other King County parks. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to email our youth volunteer Sophie ([email protected]).