Parents Education Talks
育儿是一个漫长的学习过程,孩子成长,我们也成长。 成长的过程需要学习,需要分享,还有什么学习比得上听身边的有经验的父母分享,来得更有效的呢?
Parenting is a long term learning process. We grow with our children. We need to learn along with our children. Nothing could be more effective than hearing experienced parents share their thoughts. We have it all!
Parenting is a long term learning process. We grow with our children. We need to learn along with our children. Nothing could be more effective than hearing experienced parents share their thoughts. We have it all!
Recent Activities

2024/11 How to apply to UW enginnering school 华大工程系分享会

2024/10 How to apply to private middle school 小升初分享会

2024/04 Bellevue School District Panel Discussion BSD 高中生分享会

2024/02 Boy Scout Information Session 童子军讲座

2024/01 Talk on how to renovate your house 装修讲座

2023/11 UW Medical School Application Talk 华大医学专业申请专题讲座

2023/11 Police Safety Talk 警察局安全讲座

2023/05 College Application series: 大学申请系列讲座:早申

2023/04 How to plan for summer internship, job, and volunteering 暑期实习、工作、义工讲座

2022/11 College Applicaiton series: 大学申请季:华大商科专题讲座

2021/12/12 Bellevue警察局安全讲座笔记1 Bellevue Police Department Safety Talk video1
2021/12/18 Bellevue警察局安全讲座笔记2 Bellevue Police Department Safety Talk video2
2021/12/18 Bellevue警察局安全讲座笔记2 Bellevue Police Department Safety Talk video2

2020/05 淡定学中文,佛系考AP | 米帝乡村中文老师的大实话

2020/05 ABC娃考AP中文:想说爱你并不容易

2017/11/04 Non Gifted Path Panel Discussion
条条大路通罗马 by EmP
条条大路通罗马 by EmP

2017/08/16 日全食讲座
N年等一回,天黑请睁眼 by EmP
N年等一回,天黑请睁眼 by EmP

2017/06/25 小娃娃的音乐律动课

2017/06/22 Getting Ready for College Life

2017/04/22 Public Speaking Workshop

2017/03/26 The 1st 2017 EmP WordMasters Challenge

2017/03/18 Creative Writing Workshop

2017/03/16 华州中小学数学竞赛(Math Kangaroo Emerald Parents Test Center)

2017/03/03, Let's go scouting EC童子军扫盲讲座

2017/01/17, EmP Career Talk series - Session 1: Doctor

2016/12/11, 税务讲座 Tax Seminar

2016/11/13, 集体球类运动讲座 Group Sports Seminar

2016/10/14, 幼儿FLL讲座 Junior FLL Seminar

2016/09/24, 性教育讲座 Sexuality Parenting Seminar

2016/09/11, FLL教练和带队家长讲座 FLL Coaching and Parenting Seminar

2016/09 娃们新学年须知 Back to School Topics
开学了,我们需要做点啥?Back to School, Are you Ready?
教你轻松管理家庭日程表 How to manage your family schedule?
开学了,我们需要做点啥?Back to School, Are you Ready?
教你轻松管理家庭日程表 How to manage your family schedule?

2016/07/31 数学竞赛讲座 MathCounts and Math Competition Seminar

2016/05/21 幼升小讨论会 K to Elementary Panel Discussion
做妈妈:道正本真果必然 by 小花花
做妈妈:道正本真果必然 by 小花花

2016/05/01 中文知识讲座 Chinese Learning Seminar

2016/02/28 毒品知识讲座 Drug Free Parenting Panel Discussion

2016/01-02 Bellevue和LWSD学区小学升初中, 初中升高中讨论会(和小大师俱乐部合办)
School Transition Panel Discussion (co-host with Little Master Club)
School Transition Panel Discussion (co-host with Little Master Club)

2015/12/05, 私校讨论会 Private School Panel Discussion

2015/06/14 PPT衍生讲座, Office Mix Seminar: Empower Your Presentation
Past Activities
- 2013-11 新学年网上征文活动 Online writing for new school year
- 2013-07 魔术表演系列教学 Magic class
- 2012-10 写作课程 Writing class
- 2012-10 在线数学挑战赛 Online math challenge
- 2012-07 西雅图中文电台节目-天才班体系介绍 Talking on Seattle Chinese Radio
- 2012-05 邹奇奇写作讲座(与西雅图创业协会合办) Writing seminar by Adora Svitak (co-host with Seattle Enterprise Club)
- 2011-06 新概念艺术教育讲座 New concept art education seminar
- 2011-02 计算机父母控制软件讲座 Parent control seminar