Kids Fun
玩,是孩子童年生活最重要的组成部分。玩好,玩高兴,玩中有得,寓教于乐,是我们的目标。 来吧,喊上小伙伴,我们一起来玩!
Play is the most important part of childhood. Our goal is to teach kids how to play well and learn something along the way. Come on, grab your friends, and let's PLAY!
Play is the most important part of childhood. Our goal is to teach kids how to play well and learn something along the way. Come on, grab your friends, and let's PLAY!
Recent Activities
2023/12 EmP Christmas 手工工坊
2023/10 EmP Halloween party
2023/10 EmP 首次参与组织Halloween on the Hill in Bellevue
2022/12 EmP Christmas Crafts Workshop 圣诞手工坊
2021/10/30 EmP Halloween Cookies and pumpkin decoration 万圣节饼干和南瓜装饰活动
2021/08/07 EmP Skating Event 夏日炎炎 包场滑冰
2021/7/17 Escape Room event for teens 密室逃脱 紧张刺激
2020/12 海外娃诠释自己心目中的年节时令 | “节气就在我身边”之冬至篇
2020/12 圣诞节系列活动
2020/10 海外娃诠释自己心目中的年节时令 | “节气就在我身边”之秋分篇
2020/05 小困兽们的手作世界 | EmP春季美术网课回顾
2017/08/20 暑期保龄球聚会 Summer Bowling Playdate
2017/06/11 新一代女神成长篇 Teen Girl Fashion Talk
“跑题症”患者的扮靓讲座观后记 by Xia Wu
“跑题症”患者的扮靓讲座观后记 by Xia Wu
2017/05/21 Board Game Night
2016/12/16 魔方转转转 Rubic Playdate
2016/07/30 精灵怪游戏 Pokemon Go Playdate
2016/06/19 国际象棋快棋友谊赛 Time Odds Handicap Chess Blitz Tournament
2016/05/22 端午节鸭蛋络子制作 Duck Egg Wrapper
2016/05/07 戏剧工作坊 Kids Drama Workshop
2016/03/13 棋牌乐 Go and Others
2016/03/05 游戏之夜 Family Game Night
2016/01/31 折纸游戏 Oragami Playdate
2015/12/07 姜饼屋制作 Gingerbread House Making
剧院票务团购集体观看 Show Ticket Group Purchasing
2015/11/21 剪贴簿制作 Scrapbook Maker
2015/08/09 机器人制作 Robotics Playdate
2015/07/19 ”我的世界“游戏 Minecraft Playdate
Past Activities
- 2014-04 华盛顿州国际象棋比赛聚集 Group gathering during State Chess Tournament
- 2014-02 儿童钩针教学 Kids Crochet Workshop
- 2012-10 丰收节刻南瓜活动 Pumpkin carving party
- 2009-12 团体桌面游戏聚会 Group chess/board games
- 2009-08 组织中国印象木偶秀 Organize Image of China puppet show
- 2009-04 动物园集体游 Group trip to Woodland park zoo
- 2009-03 太平洋科技中心游 Group visit to Pacific Science Center
- 2008-07 集体参观动物园并做儿童主题宣讲 Group trip to Woodland park zoo and kids presentation
- 2008-05 小小足球家邮件组成立,常规足球训练开始 Little soccer group founded, regular group soccer practice
- 2008-04 美猴王木偶戏观赏 Monkey King show
- 2008-04 集体参观农场剪羊毛 Sheep shearing event
- 2008-03 复活节彩蛋活动 Easter egg hunting