General Membership
EmP 组织目前主要服务对象是大西雅图地区华人社区家庭。你,我,他,她,社区家庭人员只要认可 EmP 组织宗旨,愿意遵守普通会员规则, 就可以申请入会,批准后成为 EmP 普通会员。我们不以任何基于种族,肤色,宗教信仰,性别,性别取向,年龄,国籍,残疾,婚姻状况等歧视会员申请。
您需要完整地填写这份普通会员申请表 (EmP不公开本申请表上的任何信息)。收到您的申请后,一般不超过一周时间就可以得到回复。
作为EmP的普通会员,您可以接收我们的通讯邮件,可以参加我们对普通会员和公众开放的活动,也可以在条件成熟的时候成为我们协会会员(具体参见协会会员页面). 也请有效用好我们的资源,参加活动中听从组织者安排指挥,举止文明,照顾好自己的孩子,保持场地的清洁卫生。
如果您对EmP的会员申请有任何问题,请联系[email protected]。
您需要完整地填写这份普通会员申请表 (EmP不公开本申请表上的任何信息)。收到您的申请后,一般不超过一周时间就可以得到回复。
作为EmP的普通会员,您可以接收我们的通讯邮件,可以参加我们对普通会员和公众开放的活动,也可以在条件成熟的时候成为我们协会会员(具体参见协会会员页面). 也请有效用好我们的资源,参加活动中听从组织者安排指挥,举止文明,照顾好自己的孩子,保持场地的清洁卫生。
如果您对EmP的会员申请有任何问题,请联系[email protected]。
EmP, which primarily serves the Greater Seattle area’s Chinese community, welcomes all community members who endorse EmP’s mission and are willing to abide by the rules for general membership. We do not discriminate based on race, color, religious beliefs, gender, sexual orientation, age, nationality, disability, or marital status when considering membership applications.
To become an EmP general member, you need to complete General Membership Application Form (EmP will not share any private information in the application form), and we will respond to the application within one week.
As an EmP general member, you can receive our newsletter, participate in events open to general members and the public, and when conditions are met, you can also apply for our association membership. (Please see Association Membership page). Please make effective use of our resources, follow the organizer’s arrangements during events, behave civilly, take care of your children, and maintain cleanliness at the venue.
If you have any questions for the membership application, please contact [email protected]
“Diverse Parenting, Unified Community”. Welcome to the EmP family!
To become an EmP general member, you need to complete General Membership Application Form (EmP will not share any private information in the application form), and we will respond to the application within one week.
As an EmP general member, you can receive our newsletter, participate in events open to general members and the public, and when conditions are met, you can also apply for our association membership. (Please see Association Membership page). Please make effective use of our resources, follow the organizer’s arrangements during events, behave civilly, take care of your children, and maintain cleanliness at the venue.
If you have any questions for the membership application, please contact [email protected]
“Diverse Parenting, Unified Community”. Welcome to the EmP family!